Whether they are famous or not, in this repertoire all the beguines I’ve encountered are here mentioned. We want to pay tribute to all these weavers of the beguinal movement.
Sometimes the traits of their vocation are inaccurate or may change with time, because life itself is modifiable and the beguinal choice offers multiple ways of living. In addition, lay and religious elements intertwine in beguinal life, and ecclesiastical pressures are not absent
A short biography of each of them is (will be) presented and whenever possible a blue link refers to a wider description of their life. I have written in red the traits that allow us to include them among the beguines or near the beguinal movement. Some biographies have been prepared by other scholars whom I thank for their generous collaboration. In this case, their name is mentioned.
Both traditional and modern beguines, but only the dead ones, are remembered, because they all belong to the same history. The list will always be incomplete because the memory is still being reconstructed, but with the women whom we find here, we are really in good company.
Here they are:
Agnès d’ANTHÉE (14th)
Agnes BLANNBEKIN (c.1244-1315)
Agnès d’ORCHIES (13th)
Aleydis VAN KAMERIJK ( CAMBRAI) (+1235)
Alyt BAKE ( 1415-1455 )
Angela da FOLIGNO (1248-1309
Angelica BONFANTINI (+1244)
Angelina di MONTEGIOVE (1357-1435) (o di MARSCIANO)
Angioletta di RIGNANO (16th)
Anna VAN SCHRIECK (Anversa, + 1688)
Anna CORDEY (Dienst and Leuven +1720)
Beatas de LLERENA (16th)
Béatrice de NAZARETH (+/-1200-1268)
Catalina GUIERA (15th)
Caterina da BOLOGNA (1413-1463)
Caterina da GENOVA (1447-1510)
Cecilia FERRAZZI (1609 – 1684)
Chiara da MONTEFALCO (1268-1308)
Chiara da RIMINI (1280-1326)
Christina EBNER (1277-1356)
Christine COUCKE (15th)
Christine van SINT-TRUIDEN (+/- 1160-1224)-The Astonishing
Christine van STOMMELN (1242-1312)
Clusin or Claesinne NIEUWLANT (Gent, + 1611)
Colette de CORBIE or BOYLET (1381-1447)
Cornelia Catherina FRIJTERS (+1990)
Criste TSFLOGHELEERE (15th )
Cristina van MARKYATE (ca.1096-1154)
Dorothée de MONTAU (1347-1394)
Douceline de DIGNE (+/-1214/15 et 1274)
Elisabeth HUNGARY or of THURINGIA (1207-1231)
Elisabeth de SPALBEEK (1246–1304)
Elizabeth van BERG (13th)
Eve de SAINT MARTIN (1190-1265)
Francesca ROMANA in the world Ceccolella BUSSI (+1440),
Gertrude RICKELDEYof ORTENBERG (+ 1335) and Heilke of STAUFENBERG (+ after 1335).
Gertrude VAN HELFTA (+ 1302)
Gertrude VAN OOSTEN or DELFT (+ 1358)
HADEWIJCH (+1250 ca)
Ida van LEEUW o GORSLEEUW (+/- + 1260)
Ida de LOUVAIN (+ 1290 ca)
Ida de NIVELLES (1197-1232)
Ingrid di SKÄNNINGE (1220-1282)
Isabelle DEWIT (18th)
Ivana CERESA (1942-2009)
Ivette ou Jutta de HUY (1157-1228)
Jeanne d’ARC (1412-1431)
Joan d’ANTHÉE (14th)
Julienne de CORNILLON (1193-1258)
Julian of NORWICH (1342 – 1413)
Katherina VANDER HULST (15th)
KATREI Sister (14th)
Linke DOBBE (16th)
Lutgarde de TREVES (+1231)
Lydwine van SCHIEDAM (1380-1433)
Marcella PATTIJN (1920- 2013)
Marcella VAN HOECKE (1908-2008)
MARCELLINA Sister (at the world Carolina SOLIMANDO) (20th)
Margherita di CORTONA (1247-1297)
Marguerite d’ARLON (+1414)
Marguerite PORETE (+1310)
Marguerite d’YPRES (+1237)
Marì DIAZ (circa 1490-1572)
Maria di AJOFRIN (XV)
Maria DAVILA (+ 1511)
Maria GARCÍA (1340-1426)
Maria LEPORINI (1951-2015)
Maria PETYT (1623-1677)
Maria de TOLEDO (1437- after 1484)
Maria Bendetta di CARIGNANO and Maria Angela CANAL (15th)
Marie de GREZ (+1271)
Marie d’OIGNIES (1177-1213)
Mechthild von MAGDEBURG (1208/10 – 1282)
Metza von WESTENHOVE (+ 1366)
Odile de LIÈGE (+1220)
Philippinne de PORCELLET (13th)
Rita da CASCIA (1381-1457)
RIXENDA (13th)
Romana GUARNIERI (1913-2004)
Sofia del fu BARTOLO (13th)
Uda (or Oda) da THOREMBAIS (13th)
Umiliana DEI CERCHI (1219-1246)
Umiltà di FAENZA (1226-1310)
Ysabiaus de WARLAING (14th)