The last beguine in the world dies during her sleep on Sunday, April 14, 2013 in Kortrijck in the home Sint-Jozef who had welcomed her after she lived in the beguinage of Kortrijck (Courtrai) from 1960 to 2005. With her integrating into the community of Mont-Saint-Amand (Gent) Marcella starts her 71-year-old history as a beguine. Her life, along with that of other beguines, has been described by Claude Bouckaert, in De Laatste der Begijnen, Uitgeverij Groeninghe, 2000. Almost blind she played the piano, the organ, the accordion and had a good sense of humor. In 2012 the communal authorities had celebrated her magnificently.
Sources : http://www.lavenir.net/article/detail.aspx?articleid=DMF20130414_00296052 and personal informations.