Cornelia Catherina FRIJTERS (+1990)
The last Duch beguine, she died in Breda in the year 1990.
Gertrude de OOSTEN or of DELFT (+ 1358)

Gertrude van der Oosten (or Gertrude of Delft) is a Dutch beguine who probably received the stigmata and is considered a mystic. She was born in Voorburcht, from peasant parents, and then entered domestic service in Delft. Her surname of Van Ooten, or “of the East”, derives from her habit of singing a hymn that begins with: “Het daghet in den Oosten”, i.e. “The light of day breaks into the East”, which is believed to have composed by herself.
After having a pious life for many years, Gertrude obtains admission into the beguinage of Delft. Here, she makes use of the ample opportunities for contemplation accorded by life in this community. She had a great devotion to the mysteries of the Incarnation, especially to the Passion of Christ. It is believed that she received the stigmata. She implored God that this grace could be withdrawn, and her prayer was heard to the extent that the blood ceased to flow, but the signs of the stigmata remained. She also showed the gift of prophecy.
Gertrude dies on the day of the feast of the Epiphany on 6 January 1358 and is buried in the church of San Ippolito in Delft, since the beguinage did not have its own church and cemetery. Her name has never been inscribed in the Roman Catholic Martyrology, although it has been commemorated in various others. Her cult is purely local. (Source: Wikipedia).
Maria VAN HOUT or van OSTERWIJK (+1547)
Beguine living in Oisterwijk, near Tilburg in the Netherlands. She died there in 1547. She is quoted by P. Dinzelbacher – D.R. Bauer, Movimenti religiosi mistica femminile nel Medioevo, Cinisello Balsamo, 1993