On the web

Information sources available on the web, classified by the following 5 categories: 

 1 Articles and books
2 Blog & Facebook & Twitter
3 Information web sites
4 Podcast
5 Videos


You also might contribute to improve this list, by sending other more bibliography references to: info@beguines.info

1 Articles and books (in descending chronological order)

Melissa Febos, They Used to Be Places Just for Women. Now They’re UNESCO World Heritage Sites, AFAR, 8 March 2024

Daniela Blum, Corporal Relationship, Corporal Conformation: Female Forms of Following Christ around 1200, Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), conference in Female Corporeality and Religion.
Center for Women’s Studies in Theology, Leuven, June 2023

Anita Prati, Morire per un libro: Margherita Porete, in Settimana News, May 2023

Dominique Costermans, Béguines et béguines. Des femmes qui ont marqué l’histoire de la Chrétienté, L’Appel juin 2022

Huanan LU, Le béguinage Ste-Élisabeth à Valenciennes (XIIIe-XIVe siècles), Doctoral thesis in History and Civilizations, under the supervision of Sylvain Piron., defended on 30-09-2021 in Paris, EHESS, as part of the Doctoral School of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences.
Online consultation here

Veerle Fraeters, Hadewijch and the Beguine Movement, thanks to Academia

Elena Botinas Montero e Julia Caballero Manzanedo, Le beghine. Libertà in relazione,  2004-2008 Duoda, Centro di Ricerca delle Donne. Università di Barcellona.

Medievalist Tanya Stabler Miller presents and frames Aline Kiner’s book “La nuit des béguineshttps://tanyasmiller.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/review-aline-kiner-la-nuit-de-beguines- 2017/ , March 1, 2020

Abby STONER , Sister BetweenGender and the Medieval Beguines, (date not defined)
source: https://www2.kenyon.edu/projects/margin/beguine1.htm

Line KORTOBI has published two very interesting articles in the Libération newspaper in July 2019:


Apolline Vranken,  Des béguinages à l’architecture féministe. Comment interroger et subvertir les rapports de genre matérialisés dans l’habitat ?
thesis of Master 2 in architecture, Prix de l’Université des Femmes, 2018

AAVV, Beguinal movement yesterday and today , speeches in various languages presented at the international congress of 23/08/2017, celebrating the 750th anniversary of  Breda beguinage

Milena GARAVAGLIA, Cohousing al femminile, Abitare nei beghinaggi moderni, e-book, Amazon, 2017

Paul Marchal , DE DUITSE BEGIJNENBEWEGING IN DE MIDDELEEUWEN, (2016) (notified by Graham Keen)

Kelly Lynn Morris, The vita of Douceline de Digne (1214-1274): Beguine spirituality and orthodoxy in thirteenth century Marseilles, University of Cagary (Canada), July 2001

E.T, Knuth, The Beguines, 1992, in  http://www.users.csbsju.edu/~eknuth/index.html

2 Blog & Facebook & Twitter

CIPO- Centre d’Interprétation du Proto-Béguinisme d’Oignies (Aiseau-Presle, Belgique) informs about the origin of the beguinal mouvement

Béguinage de Sainte Barbe

Sisters of Valley https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=sisters%20of%20valley

Debby VAN LINDEN:  https://begijnhovenqueeste.wordpress.com

Debby VAN LINDEN: https://www.facebook.com/Begijnenhovenqueeste-Community-of-beguine-news-796709140445669/

3 Information web sites

A new folder of the Petit béguinage d’ ANDERLECHT after restoration achieved on 2023

 UNESCO website of the 13 Flemish béguinages in the  World Heritage List

Le jardin du béguinage https://www.habitat-groupe.be/acteurs-logement/le-jardin-du-beguinage

Le petit béguinage de La Lauzelle https://www.habitat-groupe.be/le-petit-beguinage
Interview sur le Petit béguinage réalisée avec l’aide d’Evelyne Simoens

Begijnhof van Turnhout www.vriendenbegijnhof.be (notified by M. Hugo Vanden Bossche)

Marcella Pattiyn, the last historical beguine


Agence Vivre en béguinage www.vivre-en-beguinage.fr
La Maison des babayagas www.lamaisondesbabayagas.eu
The association Mémoires d’elles (Memoirs of them)


Foundation  http://www.beginenstiftung.de
Federation  www.dachverband-der-beginen.de
BEGINE – Treffpunkt und Kultur für Frauen e. V. – http://www.begine.de
Beginenhof in Berlin : Frauenwohnen im 21. Jahrhundert
Beginenhot Tännich http://www.beginenhof-thueringen.de/index.html


Begijnhof van Breda :  http://www.begijnhofbreda.nl/


Metter in ordine la differenza: l’esperienza della Sororità di Mantova, http://www.iaphitalia.org/images/sororita.pdf
Nel giardino delle beghine

Other in the world

http://begine.wordpress.com/website in German language, really not up to date, that collects experiences of women living together in various places in the world

Sisters of Valley https://www.sistersofcbd.com
Giovanni Drogo, Sister of the Valley  https://www.nextquotidiano.it/suore-cannabis-terapeutica-sister-of-the-valley/ 

information in English about Beguines, old and new, especially in USA

4 Podcast

RST 30-minute podcast Béguinages, Solidarités, Pèlerinages,shared on December 17th 2023 on channel 1 of the Swiss radio and television. The journalist Matthieu Wirz met the beguines of the beguinage of St Martin du Lac

BBC (radio Four) podcast (1 hour) dedicated to Julian of Norwich, interviews several people who are scholars of this recluse.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001rgs4 (notified by Graham Keen)

Rita Fenendael, Béguinages d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (October 3th 2022)

Dominique Costermans : Béguines et béguinages (dossier mag L’Appel) 30th May 2022 on RCF Bruxelles

5 Videos

The Hadewijch’s songs, presentation of the integral edition made by Francesca Barresi,  with medieval music played by Murmur Mori, Fondazione Lercaro, Bologna, 16th January 2024

Beghinaggi le sacre case delle libere donne – reportage of Devana daughter of Liliana for La Scuola delle Donne® – September 2023
Video in Italian available since 1/9   https://youtu.be/qmoZNJf1Z5I
text Beghinaggi le sacre case delle libere donne
Video in Italian with English subtitles available since 2/9   https://youtu.be/O6WCQ5x7jck
Text Beguinages the sacred houses of the free women-1

L’identità delle beghine storiche (The Identity of the Historical Beguines) by Silvana Panciera.  10th June 2023 in Mantua in Il giardino delle beghine. It answered the question what aspects define the identity of the historical beguines.

Le Beghine-  Talk with Adriana Valerio and Silvana Panciera,
managed by Gabrielli Editori, on October 19th, 2022

François Marxer
Hadewijch d’Anvers ou le secret du monde (1)
Hadewijch d’Anvers ou le secret du monde (2)

The Petit Béguinage de la Lauzelle 25 years after its foundation in 1995.
Video (26 minutes) in French by Virginie Breda (2021)

Les béguines, libres et folles d’amour par le Béguinage de la Croix aux boeufs, sur des textes de Jacqueline Kelen (2019)

La spiritualité au feminin, les beguines (2017)

The Beguines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toJp9c-LXys by Silvana Panciera


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